The IOS app can be found in the App store,
below is a QR code to easily find it.
Open the app and Press on the LAN
Search button for searching IP devices
connected to the LAN network
A list of on-line cameras will be
displayed, with the current IP address and
port number
If a camera is selected then a detailed
view will be displayed.
Pressing test will provide a snapshot in
order to confirm the camera view
Pressing save will add the camera to
the app’s camera view
Selecting the required camera will
provide a live stream
2. IP Installer
This is a Windows PC application which will
seek out and display the IP address of any
cameras on the same network. It also
provides the ability to change the IP of the
camera. This software is free to download
Run the installation programme IP
Select ‘Search Device’
Camera will be shown in the device list
Select the camera
This will show the default details of the
camera. IP address, Subnet Mask, Gateway
and Mac Address
Change name of the camera
Change IP information if known
IP address, Subnet Mask, Gateway address
Change Static to DHCP
This allow the router to allocate a free
address to the camera
Press Submit to save changes
Camera reboots
Select Camera
IP address off camera assigned by router
will be displayed
Subnet Mask, Gateway etc. will also be
automatically filled out
Change DHCP back to Static
Assigns a static address to the camera.
10. Press Submit to save changes
Camera reboots
Camera set up
Once the IP address is known then the installer
can configure the basic set up of the camera.
To access the camera, the Installer must enter
the IP address of the camera into a web
browser on a PC, Tablet or smartphone such as
Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome etc.
The camera will asked for a user name and
The default username is: admin
The default password is: admin
Once the username and password has been
entered then the installer will be presented with
a live view of the selected camera similar to the
screenshot below.
Please note: to display the live feed then the
Browser will need to support ActiveX.
From the live view screen the Installer can
access the configuration screen by clicking on
the “spanner” icon.
Once in the configuration screens the Installer
can configure various options.
Panel & camera set up
When the IP address and HTTP Port number is
known it can be entered into the control panel.
When a specified event occurs the control unit
will instruct the relevant camera to acquire JPG
images and send them to the control unit,
where these images will be stored on the locally
fitted SD card, if a corresponding email trigger
is set up then the control unit will then attach
these images to an email and send to a
specified recipient(s).
The amount of images that will be attached to
the email will be 15 equivalent to 1 image per
second for 5s pre event 10s post event.
Up to 4 IP cameras can be configured in the
panel. The panel will need to have the address
of the camera and required triggers
programmed into it.
Once the IP address of the camera has been
entered into the panel UI, then the panel will
periodically poll the camera for its presence and
report if there is no response from a camera.
See Engineering guide for details of setting up
the camera in the control panel.
Image Settings
The installer can make various changes the
image settings
For security and privacy purposes, there
are three areas that can be set up for privacy.
Click the Area button first, and then drag an area
on the above image. Remember to save your
settings. The masked area will not be shown on
both live view and recording image.