Eaton 93E Integrated Transformer Cabinet (ITC) Installation Manual P-164000074—Rev 3
21. Route the UPS rectifier input wiring (phase A, B, and C, Neutral and Ground) from the ITC through the
power terminal cover base wiring channels (see Figure 4-16) and the wire tray on the back of the ITC to
the ITC AC input to transformer terminals. See Figure 4-10 or Figure 4-13 for ITC terminal locations. See
paragraph 3.2.2, Table 3-4, and Table 3-5 for ITC wiring and termination requirements. Refer to the
applicable Eaton 93E UPS Installation and Operation manual listed in paragraph 1.6 for their respective
terminal locations and termination requirements.
22. Connect phase A, B, C, Neutral, and Ground rectifier input power wiring from the ITC to the UPS rectifier
input, neutral, and ground terminals. See paragraph 3.2.2 for wiring and termination requirements.
23. Connect phase A, B, C, Neutral, and Ground ITC output power wiring to the ITC AC output to UPS, neutral,
and ground terminals. See paragraph 3.2.2 for wiring and termination requirements.
24. Route the UPS output wiring (phase A, B, and C and Ground) from the ITC through the wire tray and the
power terminal cover base wiring channels (see Figure 4-16) to the UPS terminal block on the back of the
UPS. See Figure 4-10 or Figure 4-13 for ITC terminal locations. See paragraph 3.2.2, Table 3-4, and
Table 3-5 for ITC wiring and termination requirements. Refer to the applicable Eaton 93E UPS Installation
and Operation manual listed in paragraph 1.6 for their respective terminal locations and termination
25. Connect phase A, B, C and Ground UPS output power wiring from the ITC to the UPS output and ground
terminals. See paragraph 3.2.2 for wiring and termination requirements.
26. Connect phase A, B, C and Ground ITC output power wiring to the ITC AC output to UPS and ground
terminals. See paragraph 3.2.2 for wiring and termination requirements.
27. If wiring to an IAC-D, continue to Step 28; otherwise, skip to Step 30.
28. Route the critical load output wiring (phase A, B, and C, Neutral and Ground) from the IAC-D through the
power terminal cover base wiring channels (see Figure 4-16) and the wire tray on the back of the ITC to
the ITC AC output to critical load terminals. See Figure 4-10 or Figure 4-13 for ITC terminal locations. See
paragraph 3.2.2, Table 3-4, and Table 3-5 for ITC wiring and termination requirements. Refer to the
93E Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Distribution Installation Manual
listed in paragraph 1.6 for conduit and
terminal locations and termination requirements.
29. Skip to Step 32.
30. Install conduit between the ITC and the critical load.
31. Route the critical load output wiring (phase A, B, and C, Neutral and Ground) through the conduit and the
wire tray (Figure 4-8 or Figure 4-9) on the back of the ITC to the ITC AC output to critical load terminals.
See Figure 4-10 or Figure 4-13 for ITC terminal locations. See paragraph 3.2.2, Table 3-4, and Table 3-5 for
ITC wiring and termination requirements.
32. Connect phase A, B, C, Neutral, and Ground output power wiring from the critical load or IAC-D to the ITC
AC output to critical load, neutral, and ground terminals. See paragraph 3.2.2 for wiring and termination
33. Secure the power cables to the power terminal cover base using wire ties after all electrical connections
have been completed.
34. Install the power terminal cover tops using the provided hardware (see Figure 4-18).
35. Install the ITC left side power terminal cover and the UPS right side power terminal cover using the
provided hardware (see Figure 4-18).
36. Install the splice cover using the provided hardware (see Figure 4-18).
37. Reinstall the internal safety shield panel removed in Step 2.
38. Close the outside door and secure the latch.
39. After the ITC is installed and wired, return to the applicable Eaton 93E UPS Installation and Operation
manual listed in paragraph 1.6 to complete the UPS wiring.