Overload capability at ambient 40 °C (in
the bypass mode)
Continuous ≤ 125% load
Transient ≤ 1000% RMS current for 20 ms
Note! Bypass fuses may limit the overload
Load power factor (rated)
Nominal 1.0
Load power factor (permitted range)
From 0.8 lagging to 0.8 leading
Max ambient temperature without de-rating 40 °C
9.4 UPS environmental specifications
Acoustic noise at 1 m
40 kW unit: <55 dB at 75% load
40 kW unit: <60 dB at 100% load
Ambient storage temperature
From -25 °C to +55 °C in the protective
Transportation temperature
From -25 °C to 60 °C
Ambient operating temperature range
From 0 °C to +40 °C*
Relative humidity range
5 to 95%, no condensation allowed
Maximum service altitude
1,000 m (3,300 ft) above sea level at +40
Maximum 2,000 m (6,600 ft) with 1% de-
rating per each additional 100 m above
1,000 m.
Maximum storage time with internal batter-
6 months without recharge
* Maximum recommended operating and storage temperature for UPS with internal bat-
teries is +25 °C. Higher storage temperature will shorten the maximum storage time
without recharging.
The maximum recommended operational and storage temperature with VRLA batter-
ies is 25 °C.
9.5 Battery specification
Battery type
Battery quantity
Default 32 blocks, 192 cells per battery
External battery 28–40 blocks, 168–240
cells per battery string
Note! Do not connect battery strings with
different battery quantity and voltage in
Eaton 91PS/93PS UPS 8–40 kW
User's and installation guide
Eaton Corporation plc 2018. All rights reserved.
Revision: 005
Document ID: P-164000493
108 (117)