Understanding Your Test Results
EasyMax N
Blood Glucose test strips are plasma referenced and calibrated for easier comparison to lab
results. The normal fasting blood glucose range for an adult without diabetes is 70-110 mg/dL.
Two hours after
meals, the blood glucose range for an adult without diabetes is less than 120 mg/dL.
For people with diabetes:
please consult your doctor for the blood glucose range appropriate for you.
Unusual Test Results
If your test result doesn’t match the way you feel, please follow these steps:
1. Run a control solution test, Chapter 2 "Control Solution Testing."
2. Repeat a blood glucose test, Chapter 3 "Testing Your Blood glucose."
3. If your test results still don’t reflect the way you feel, call your doctor immediately.
1. Extremely high humidity may affect the test results. A relative humidity greater than 90% may
cause inaccurate results.
2. A red blood cell count (Hematocrit) that is either very high (above 55%) or very low (below
30%) may not provide accurate results.
3. Some studies have shown that electromagnetic fields may affect results. Do not test near an
operating microwave oven.