88h #00: 1, 3, 50, 100, Gif-1, 0
// display GIF-1 at (50, 100), with speed @30ms
In the above example, after the setting command is compiled, the Host sends the display
88h and #00
to TFT Panel through UART, then the GIF-1 will be displayed in loop at
(50, 100)
If user want to play GIF animation one time, send below command:
88h #00: 0, 3, 50, 100, Gif-1, 0
// display GIF-1 at (50, 100), with speed @30ms
Figure 4-6: 88h Command GIF Example
When the host transmits display command “89h, 00” to the TFT panel, then the original "88h,
00" display Gif animation picture will be canceled.