Figure 4-19: Progress Bar Example 1
If set Mark=1, input below command in
B0h #00: 85, 140, 3, 35, 0xFF0000,
, 0x80, 0x05, 220, 0x000000
// display a red (
progress bar at (85, 140) from left to right, with width is 35
// length is 220
// Mark =
, so the progress bar will automatically use the background picture created by
// command
0x80, 0x05
0x80, 0x05
is the command to display picture and need to set in command file :
80h #05: 6, 0, 80, 80
// display P6 background picture at (80, 80)
After the compilation is completed, the host transmits the commands
B0h, 00, 01, 96
to TFT
through UART, then the TFT will display a red progress bar at position (85, 140) with the display
length is 150 Pixel (0096h = 150), and the base image of the progress bar is generated by
command; when the UART transmits the command
B0h, 00, 00, 3C
to TFT, then length of
the red progress bar will change to 60 Pixels (003Ch = 60) and the background image does not
change, shown as below:
Figure 4-20: Progress Bar Example 2
(55, 120)
(85, 140)
(80, 80)
(80, 80)
(85, 140)
(55, 120)