Know Your Off-Grid
A. PCU System Description
Your Off-Grid MPPT PCU is a pure sinewave single phase output system.
In normal mode, PCU operates from battery or solar power source and produces
single phase AC output to cater the load requirement.
MPPT based Solar charge controller, supplies DC power for battery charging as well as
for the PCU.
If solar is unavailable or is available in lesser amount, connected batteries will go into
discharge mode and grid input will get triggered automatically at certain
predetermined battery voltage level. Grid Input source takes care of output load and
starts battery charging till sufficient battery charge level is reached.
1. Internal Components
System comprises the following main control boards.
a) Control Board
b) Display Board
a. Control Board: It controls operation of MPPT charger and PCU. It contains power
modules of MPPT and PCU. MPPT receives DC supply from solar array and provides
charging voltage to battery and DC voltage for PCU operation. This board also
contains Power relays for grid and PCU, based on signal from DSP board transfer
operation is controlled and Output is available at load.
b. Display Board: It receives all inputs from Control Board. It displays parameters of PV
Module, Battery, PCU and Grid.
2. Operating Priority
a. Smart Mode/SBG Priority - Your PCU gives fisrt priority to solar, second priority to
battery and third priority to grid in this case.
b. PCU Mode/SGB Priority - Your PCU gives fisrt priority to solar, second priority to grid
and third priority to battery in this case.
Hybrid Mode
- In this mode PCU works with solar as well as batteries. Grid charger
takes place only when solar power is not available & battery discharges up to battery
low level trip. It will charge the batteries up to certain limit to maintain float level of