ACM-22CP-IM (05/13)
Page 7
Installation – Refrigerant Connections
The Auxiliary Cooling Module has two refrigerant connections on the service side of the unit as
shown in Figure 1. The connections are the same size as each other. Each connection is identified
with a label saying “Compressor” or “Earth loops”. Check Figure 1 and the table on page 3 to
determine coupling sizes to match the line set vapor tube size.
The refrigerant connections have caps brazed on at the factory. They should be un-brazed at the
time that tubing is to be connected to the Auxiliary Cooling Module.
After locating the Auxiliary Cooling Module as noted earlier, a trench 3 to 4 Feet deep is to be
excavated running from the Auxiliary Cooling Module to the earth loop line set. If the lines to and
from the Auxiliary Cooling Module are to be run parallel to and within 10 Feet of the building
foundation or basement wall, both lines are to be insulated with ½” wall thickness Armaflex
tubing insulation, cased within a PVC pipe. The PVC pipe must be a minimum of 3 Feet
from the building foundation or wall. This is illustrated for a typical application in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Auxiliary Cooling Module Refrigerant Piping
A top view of typical Auxiliary Cooling Module and line set vapor line connections are illustrated in
Figure 4. For new installations of an EarthLinked system with an ACM, an alternate method to the
one shown in Figure 4 is to run a single piece vapor line from the compressor unit to the ACM and
another single piece vapor line from the ACM to the vapor manifold of the earth loop system.