Installation Manual
EN.PM.UM11 2017022424 Earth Networks Part # 9710 Page 32 of
You can also check the light on the back of the camera, below the NET (PoE) connection.
You will have to open the camera housing to do this. If the green light is illuminated,
you should have an internet connection. If you are unable to see the green light
illuminated, go to a computer that you can guarantee is connected to the same network as
the camera. Verify that you are not having internet or network problems by visiting a
website like http://weather.earthnetworks.com.
Figure 24 – HDCam Link Light Indicating Internet Connection Established
If you are able to view live video through the Earth Networks Viewer Page, but you are
unable to retrieve captured images through http://weather.earthnetworks.com, you need to
verify that TCP port 21 (FTP) outbound is open.
In the event that you have gone through the provided troubleshooting steps and your
camera is still inoperable, contact Earth Networks Weather Station Technical Support at
(800)624-4205 or email [email protected].