Gyro info:
Green light indicates Get Gyro info, Gray light indicates Waiting for
Gyro info .
Free Gyro Version:
Get gyro info from first tracking, antenna will
setup coordinate based on first tracking. This is fake Gyro info.
Builtin Gyro Version:
Antenna get gyro info from dual GPS module
directly.This is real Gyro info.
Manual Pointing Function
Enable Manual Pointing, antenna will erase gyro info ,motors of AZ
and EL will stop. AZ and EL motors will move by manual, enter EL+
-or AZ+-, each step is 0.5 degree
Target AZ & EL:
Based on your GNSS location and target satellite, antenna will
automatically calculate the Target AZ and EL angle. Current AZ and
EL is monitored by MEMS sensor.
Appendix 2
Sub-page Ant Pointing