How to use code learning :
Standard features :
This system can expand 4 different transmitters, and comes from factory with two transmitters already programmed into the system
memory. Whenever you want to add or delete transmitter code of the system, just obey the following instruction :
In Disarm position . Turn on IGN , within 10 seconds press valet SW 5 times.
Siren/Horn will chirp 3 times and Lights ON to confirm the system is in code learning mode.
To press any remote button, code learning achieved if it gives one short chirp.
To turn off learning mode : (1)Turn off IGN. (2) Four transmitters have been successfully learnt already
(3)Within 10 seconds , there is no new transmitter be learnt. Lights OFF to confirm Exit this mode.
1.To Arm the system:
Press button siren/horn will chirp once, lights flash once and LED will flash slowly .
Doors locked , start killed and controller to close all windows. Alarm will be triggered whenever the car was hit or intruded
2.To Arm the system without Siren/Horn chirp :
To hold button for over 2 seconds, light
flash one but no chirp sound ,other functions are the same as Arm .(This feature to prevent noise in silent area)
3.To Disarm the system:
Press button siren will chirp twice, lights flash twice and LED will be off . Doors
unlocked and start killer released
4.To Disarm the system without Siren/Horn chirp :
To hold button for over 2 seconds,
light flash twice but no chirp sound, other function as the same as Disarm.(This feature to prevent noise in silent area)
5.Panic :
Press button + , panic mode will be activated . Siren will burst and lights will flash for 29 seconds, until press
any button to turn off the panic mode.
7.Auto Re-Arming :
Alarm arms again 30 seconds after disarm, unless the doors have been opened or engine is
ignition on. This feature is to avoid mis-touch or mis-disarmed.
*When triggering 2nd stage sensor:
Siren/Horn gives 20 seconds sound and light flash 20 seconds. there is only 6 times
trigger imitation after the alarm is in armed status every each time.
*When triggering IGN, door, hood or trunk and etc. :
Siren/Horn gives 29 seconds sound and light flash 29 seconds.
After alarm triggering there is 2 seconds pause. The alarm will detect to see if it is recovered to normal arming condition. If it is not ,
the alarm will trigger again.
12.Remote Sensor by Pass :
The alarm offers two stage sensor optional. Within 10 seconds after set arming, to
press button once, siren/horn will chirp twice , then 1st stage sensor by pass. to press button twice, siren/horn will chirp 3 times
then all sensors will be shut off and no sensor working for arming protection.
13.Car Finder:
Trunk Release:
Keep press button + for over 2 seconds then trunk will automatically opened.
During Arming , remote trunk release will not trigger alarm and sensor trigger function will also shut off , but IGN and doors keep
arming condition. After close trunk for 5 seconds , trunk and sensor trigger will return to arm status.
8.Alarm Abnormal Arming Indication :
In arming alarm mode if the siren chirps 4 times and light
flash 4 times it reminder you that door(s) or engine hood or trunk is not shut properly. The alarm will bypass that zone but it will still
protect other zones. LED will show you the abnormal condition :
9.2nd Killer Output:
This feature can be controlled separately of the engine disable. This output (-500mA) is
working with system disarming. 40A relay is required and go with normally closed & common output.
10.Passive Arming :
If you want to use this function, set item No.2 or item No.3 on "ON" position. While you turn off
IGN, open door then close door, LED will quick flash. After 30 seconds alarm will armed automatically , but during 30 seconds, if
any of the door, trunk, hood is open, alarm will stop this" passive arming".
11.Alarm Trigger :
During arming, if turn on IGN, open door, and etc...alarm will trigger in order to stop the offender.
When triggering 1st stage sensor:
Siren / Horn gives one long chirp for warning.
If your car in crowded big parking place ,you can easy to find your car position by press button once.
Siren chirp once follow with lights flashing for 30sec. If press button for 2sec. Lights flashing 30sec. But without siren chirp.
Note: Such feature operate after 10sec. Once entering in arm position.
14.Valet mode :
turn Ignition on, within 10 seconds hold valet switch for over 5 seconds , LED will be on indicating in the Valet
mode. Under this mode, remote lock and unlock is still effective and other functions are shut off temporary. Mode exiting : To turn on IGN,
within 10seconds hold valet switch for over 5 seconds, LED will be off means exit of Valet mode.
15.Alarm Trigger memory:
In arm status if anything triggers, after you disarm, siren/horn will sound and light will flash
4 times indicating that alarm was triggered before .LED mode indicates the following different triggering :
16.Smart Engine Disable (Anti-car jack/immobilizer) :
Set sub-function Item No.1 to "ON" position.
After turn off IGN position for 30 seconds or you open and close door in 30 seconds after turn off IGN, it will start engine disable function right
way and LED start flash twice per second. To disarm this function, turn IGN on ,within 10 seconds, press Valet SW for 5sec. and into valet
mode. Or simply press button once. LED will shut off and into normal status.
Quick flash 2 times after a pause Sensor 1st stage trigger
Quick flash 3 times after a pause Sensor 2nd stage trigger
Quick flash 4 times after a pause Door trigger
Quick flash 5 times after a pause Engine hood or trunk trigger
Quick flash 6 times after a pause IGN trigger