The Fish Alarm sounds a tone when a fish
symbol appears on the screen. To use the
fish alarm, press the menu key until the “FISH
ALARM” menu appears on the screen. Now
press the up arrow key to turn the alarm on.
Repeat the above steps to turn the fish alarm
The depth alarms are triggered only by the bottom signal. No other echoes
will activate these alarms. The depth alarms consist of a shallow and deep
alarm. The shallow alarm sounds an alarm tone when the bottom goes
shallower than the alarm’s setting. The deep alarm sounds a tone when
the bottom goes deeper than it’s setting. Both alarms adjust the same,
although through different menus.
Shallow Alarm
To set the shallow alarm, press the menu key
repeatedly until the “SHAL ALARM” menu
appears. Press the down arrow key to in-
crease the shallow alarm's depth setting, the
up arrow key decreases it. The number in the
shallow alarm’s menu box shows the current
shallow alarm setting. When the number
reaches the desired setting, release the ar-
row key. When the bottom depth goes shal-
lower than the alarm’s setting an alarm tone
sounds. At the same time the alarm sounds,
a message box appears on the screen as
shown at right.
Press the up arrow key to silence the alarm.
This will turn the alarm sound off until the
shallow alarm is triggered again.
To turn the alarm off, press the menu key until
the shallow alarm menu appears. Then press
the up arrow key until the word “OFF” ap-