Satellite Information Screen (Group O)
This screen shows technical information about the
status of the GPS receiver. The receiver has twelve
channels. Data for each channel is shown as bar
graphs on the right side of the display. Every sat-
ellite in the constellation has a number assigned
to it, called the PRN. The bar graph is beside each
satellite’s number. The higher the bar on the graph,
the better the signal is being received from the
Each satellite is also shown on the circular graph
at the top of the screen. This shows you not only
which satellites are in your area, but also their direction from your posi-
tion, and their elevation (distance above the horizon.) The small inner
circle represents 45° above the horizon and the large outer circle repre-
sents the horizon. A satellite is straight above you when it is at the inter-
section of the horizontal and vertical lines that pass through the circles.
The FIX number in the upper right corner of the screen show the quality
of fix. If the FIX is 9, then it's the best you can get. A FIX of 1 is the worst.
Whenever a clock, timer, or alarm is showing on a display, new items
appear in the list when you press the MENU key. These items let you set
the clock’s time, alarms, or the timers.
Set Local Time
If the time shown on the clock display is not your
local time, change it using the “Set Local Time”
function. To do this, press the MENU key, then
highlight the “Set Clock” label. Press the right ar-
row key. The screen at right appears.
Using the right and left arrow keys, move the black
box to the first number in the time that you want
to change. Now press the up or down arrow keys
until the desired number shows. Continue until the
time shown in the display is correct, then press
the ENT key. This enters the new time and erases
the set local time menu.