ILER-20 MK2 SSB QRP Transceiver Kit
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What is the significance of ILER? A
little bit history…
The origin of LLEIDA goes back to 5th
century B.C. when the Iberian people of
the ILERGETAS settled on top of the
"Cerro de la Seu Vella" (Hill of the Old
See) and founded the city of ILTIRDA.
Their most well-known leaders were
Indibil and Mandonio, who defended
against the Carthaginians and Romans,
but were defeated in the year 205 B.C.,
and thereafter the city was Romanized
and renamed ILERDA.
LLEIDA is the current name of this city
in the northeast of Spain.
Photo: Seu Vella de Lleida.
The circuit of the ILER kits is a Spanish redesign of the 80 meter transceiver “Antek” by Andy SP5AHT,
published in the magazine “Swiat Radio.” By switching the LO and the BFO between the two NE602's,
each one carries out two different functions determined by TX or RX mode. One NE602 functions as a
receive mixer and a DSB generator, and the other NE602 functions as a transmit mixer and a SSB
A quartz crystal controlled local oscillator (LO) tunes a segment with a range of 25-100 KHz.
The optional
kit makes it possible to cover the entire band.
The transmitter has a robust design to withstand and work hard in the field!
The philosophy of this transceiver is:
"Put in just the minimum that it needs to work, and work well!"
There are only two controls: volume and tuning, which are sufficient for enjoying the pleasure of QRP!