European Safety Systems Ltd.
Impress House, Mansell Road, Acton, London W3 7QH
Document No. D172-00-051-IS_Issue_B 16-11-22
Sheet 2 of 9
4) Beacon Set-up
The beacon unit may need to be configured
dependant on the type of flash required.
The xenon beacon is set as standard to 1Hz flash
rate mode but it can be set to either 1.5Hz flash
rate or double Strike flash pattern modes also. To
alter the settings, change the position of the
header pin as shown:
Keep header on pins deignated ‘A’ for
1Hz flash rate mode
Place header on pins designat
ed ‘B’ for
1.5Hz flash rate mode
Place header on pins designated ‘C’ for
double strike flash pattern mode
The LED beacon is set as standard to the 2Hz
flash mode but it can be set to a steady on mode
also. To alter the settings, change the position of
the header pin as shown.
Remove header for steady mode.
Keep header in standard position for
2Hz flashing mode
5) Unit Set-up and Recording
The unit will need to be configured to suit the end
If recording either via the onboard microphone or
the in-line connector the unit will need to be
supplied with power.
DC units can be powered when completing
recording and set-up.
See section 7) Appello Setup Guide overleaf for
Set-up instructions and functions.
6) Tone Selection Table
The Appello unit has 45 different tones (See
Table 1) that can be selected for the first stage
alarm. The systems can then be switched to
sound second, third and fourth stage alarm tones.
The tones are selected by operation of a DIP
switch S4 on the main PCB.
The tone table (Table 1) shows the switch
positions for the 45 tones and which tones are
available for the second third and fourth stages.
S4 Dip Switch -
Shown Set for Tone 1
(All switches OFF)
To sound stage one simply connect the supply
voltage (+ve and
–ve), to the supply input
terminals on the correct PCB shown.
Second, Third and Fourth Stage Selection
The Appello unit uses
–ve switching to change the
tone to the second, third and fourth stages.
Warning! : The negative supply must remain
connected to the -(ve) terminal and a link
made from this to the appropriate stage (S2)
terminal otherwise the unit will be damaged.
To change to the second, third or fourth stage
tone, link the -ve supply line to terminal relevant
stage terminal. I.e. for Stage 2 link the -ve supply
to the S2 terminal, for Stage 3 link the -ve supply
to the S3 terminal etc.