© 2020 E2 Scientific Corp. Version 5.20.2020. All rights reserved.
Caring for the Tongueometer
To receive the maximum benefit from the Tongueometer device, please adhere to the following care
When not using the Tongueometer device, store the device in a dry, cool location.
Do not immerse the Tongueometer device or bulb in water. If the surface of the device comes
in contact with water, dry immediately with a cloth.
To clean the hand-held unit of the Tongueometer device, wipe it gently with a moistened cloth
with a mild soap or disinfectant. Consult with and defer to your facility’s Infection Control
department to determine protocol for disinfecting device between multiple users.
Assure that both your phone/tablet and the external battery has adequate charge (>50%)
before use with the Tongueometer for most accurate readings.
Do not expose the Tongueometer to excessive force, humidity, temperature changes, shock,
dust, or strong electromagnetic fields. Changes to environmental conditions may damage or
destroy the device or cause malfunction.
Do not open the Tongueometer device or tamper with the internal components. This could
result in injury and result in device damage, destruction, or malfunction. E2 Scientific Corp is
not responsible for any injury or damage caused by opening the device and tampering with the
internal components. Reverse engineering of the device is strictly prohibited.
To dispose of the Tongueometer device and its components, follow local and national disposal
and recycling laws.
The device is not intended for use on an airplane. If the Tongueometer is taken on a plane,
disconnect and reconnect bulb before use as the bulb may have depressurized and result in
inaccurate results.
Device Setup for Tongueometer
The Tongueometer consists of four components:
handheld device
air-filled bulb
external battery (Bluetooth® Tongueometer)
OTG (on-the-go) cable (Android-only Tongueometer)
free, downloadable application for your tablet or smartphone
The Tongueometer application requires an Android or iOS smartphone or tablet that can download an app
from the Google Play Store or the App Store. Device setup only needs to be done once per device. You
may download the Tongueometer application on as many devices as desired.
Remove the Tongueometer components from the packaging and place on
a clean, flat surface.
Remove the air-filled bulb from the package. Snip the sealed end of the
tubing with clean scissors. Discard small bit of plastic tubing that was cut
Thread the clear tubing extending from the air-filled bulb through the
circular unit at the top of the device and connect tightly onto the metal
Tip: if you experience difficulty threading
tubing through the top of the device, try
twisting the tubing as you thread it.
You can increase or decrease the length
of the tubing once it is attached to the top
of the device.