© 2020 E2 Scientific Corp. Version 5.20.2020. All rights reserved.
Isometric Endurance
This module records the number of times that a user maintains desired tongue
pressure for a set period of time. To perform the exercise:
Open the Isometric Endurance module within the Tongueometer application.
Adjust the target range by sliding the blue dots on the “Min-Max Bar” to set the desired
minimum and maximum pressure range.
You will need to set the target range for this module, even if you have already set it for
the Repetitive Strength.
If you swipe to another module or close and reopen the application, the pressure range
on the Isometric endurance module will not change.
The application requires there to be at least a 5 kPa difference between the minimum
and maximum setting.
Set the target duration measured in seconds on the bottom left panel. This is the amount of
time you are challenged to hold the tongue pressure within the target range.
Place the bulb on your tongue and squeeze it against the roof of your mouth until the meter’s
needle moves into the target range and maintain that pressure. A counter displays a moving
'progress circle' and when the target seconds are met or exceeded, the module records a
successful repetition.
Once you successfully complete a repetition, stop applying pressure to the bulb.
The counter at the bottom of the screen keeps track of each successful repetition during
which the pressure applied to the bulb remained in the highlighted range for the set
duration of time.
If the target duration (seconds) is changed mid-session, the repetitions reset to 0.
The RESET button resets the counter to zero. The Data Report will store practice
information even if a user presses RESET.