9. Do not machine or weld any part of the drum anchor winch. Such alterations may weaken the structural integrity
and will void your warranty (see page 18).
10. Use suitable electrical wire gauges and connections between the battery, switch and other components. See
Important Electrical Information
,” page 7, for details.
Ensure that the rope has a clear lead to the winch – use a roller if required to direct the anchor rope to the
drum. Ensure that there is sufficient room to run the electrical cables to the winch underneath the deck.
Depending on the motor/gearbox position the drum anchor winch can be overfeed or underfeed (i.e. spooled
over the shaft or under the shaft). If the deck or bulkhead selected for mounting is angled or curved, a suitably
shaped mounting block will be required to spread the load evenly over the deck surface and mount the winch
on a level and even footing. Place the shaped mounting block (if required) onto the deck or bulkhead. Use the
drum anchor winch as the layout template to mark the centers. Remove the winch and drill the holes.
Apply an appropriate marine-grade silicone sealant to the base plate and mounting block if required, taking
care to align mounting holes when assembling.
For aluminum or steel hull vessels, it is important to
insulate the drum anchor winch with a non-conductive gasket to avoid corrosion.
This also applies
below deck with the mounting bolts, nuts and washers. Always use the included marine-grade aluminium alloy
backing plate or a marine plywood or starboard stiffener of at least
16mm (5/8")
should be fitted to the
underside of the deck to spread the load. Install and tighten mounting bolts.
*see exception for REBEL series at the end of this section
In winding the chain and rope onto the drum of your anchor winch, the rope is wound over or under the shaft of
the drum. Your rope should wind over or under based on how the winch is orientated on your boat. To install
the anchor rope onto the drum, first insert the rope through the hole
on your Hero EX-1, EX-2 or EX-3 / Patriot
EZ-1, EZ-2 or EZ-3
then either tie it back onto itself or attach with a shackle and wind the rope onto the drum.
The chain / rope should be wound “thread lay”, with close, even winding throughout the length of the chain /
rope.It is common practice to wet your anchor rope as you wind it onto the drum to establish this close, even
winding. If wound unevenly, the turns of your anchor rope will bunch-up, cross wind and may be liable to form
“doglegs” (i.e. causing kinks or odd bends in anchor rope), particularly on the more flexible chain / rope.
fill the drum full to the rim or edge of the flanges. If possible, leave a clearance equivalent to
at least
two layers