Table of contents
Your 512EVO charger
In the showroom
In the workshop
Accessories and spare parts
Technical specifications
512EVO V1
/ Ref. MAN_512EVO_V1_RNT_EN_V1.0
If the product has any non-warranted damage, after-market
modifications or out-of-specification, or non-approved parts that
impair E-XTEQ’s ability to evaluate whether damage or defects are
covered by the warranty or E-XTEQ ability to make an in-warranty
repair (e.g., a cracked screen that must first be removed), then
E-XTEQ will notify you and you will have the following options:
• You may have E-XTEQ return the product to you at your cost and,
at your option, resubmit the product for warranty evaluation of
in-warranty repair after the impairing condition has been repaired,
corrected, or reversed; or replaced.
• You may have E-XTEQ repair, correct, or reverse the impairing
condition at your cost, prior to E-XTEQ’s provision of such warranty
evaluation or in-warranty repair.
E-XTEQ will not make any warranty determinations or repairs until
the impairing condition has been repaired, corrected, or reversed.
Under no circumstances will E-XTEQ be obligated to maintain,
restore, or repair any after-market changes to the Product’s
What is E-XTEQ’s obligations?
During the applicable warranty period, provided the Product is
returned to E-XTEQ in accordance with the terms of this Standard
Limited Warranty and exhibits an in-warranty defect, E-XTEQ
will, at E-XTEQ’s sole option, either repair the in-warranty defect
without charge, subject to the conditions above or replace the
product without charge. E-XTEQ may, at E-XTEQ’s sole option,
use rebuilt, reconditioned, or new parts or components when
repairing any product, or may replace the product with a rebuilt,
reconditioned, or new product. All repaired/replaced products will
be covered by the terms of E-XTEQ Standard Limited Warranty for
a period equal to the remainder of the original Standard Limited
Warranty on the original product or for ninety (90) days, whichever
is longer.
All replaced products, parts, components, boards, and equipment
shall become the property of E-XTEQ. Except to any extent
required by applicable law, transfer or assignment of this Standard
Limited Warranty is prohibited.
During the applicable warranty period, provided the product is
returned in accordance with the terms of this Standard Limited
Warranty, E-XTEQ will repair or replace the Product, at E-XTEQ’s
sole option, without charge. E-XTEQ will, at E-XTEQ’s sole option,
either repair the in-warranty defect without charge, subject to the
conditions above or replace the product without charge. E-XTEQ
may, at E-XTEQ’s sole option, use rebuilt, reconditioned, or new
parts or components when repairing any product, or may replace
the product with a rebuilt, reconditioned, or new product.