User Manual for the Wireless LAN Card
7.2 Config Tab
7.2.1 Config Tab
Wireless Mode: Select 802.11b mode or 802.11b/g mix mode.
TX Rate: Specify the data transfer rate. In 802.11b mode, the rate varies from 1 - 11Mbps;
in 802.11b/g mix mode, the rate varies from 1 - 54Mbps.
Channel: Specify the channel.
SSID: The specific name of this card in the wireless network.
Use MAC Address: Click to use the MAC address of this card to be the SSID.
Security: Specify the security settings. Refer to
7.2.2 Security Button
802.11b/g Protection: 802.11b uses CCK modulation and 802.11g uses CCK–compatible
OFDM modulation. Enable this to prevent the data collision in the concurrent 802.11b/g
network. Auto (auto-detect) selection is recommended.
802.11b TX Preamble: Select the length of the CRC block for communication between this
card and other stations. High network traffic areas should use the shorter preamble type.
Beacon Period (ms): Define the duration between beacon packets.
RTS Threshold: Designed to prevent the Hidden Node issue, a problem happens in the
wireless network when two wireless adapters served by the same AP can’t communicate
each other or have collision.
Fragment Threshold: Increase the transmission efficiency by split mechanism.
Transmit Power: Select the transmit power options including Lowest, 25, 50, 75,
100(default). High transmit power allows the card to have better data transfer quality.
Enable TX Burst: Check to enable the card to transmit more data in a frame interval.
Use Turbo rate (72/100Mbps) when applicable: Enhance the data rate transmitted up to
72/100Mbps. This checkbox is currently disabled.
No forwarding among wireless clients: Click to define a client’s data only transferred by AP
and can’t communication other clients to prevent packets from looping among wireless