Folding/unfolding system may differ according to the product. There are 2
systems of folding/unfolding: - pin system - loop system below are the detailed
steps for each system.
a) Pin System: Folding / Unfolding the Handlebar
i) Pin System: Unfolding the Handlebar
After unpacking the product, raise the steering column (photo n °
1 & 2/p23)
Block folding buckle (picture n ° 3/p23), the safety pin will be
positioned automatically in the closed position.
- Unlock the loop of locking the handlebar (photo n ° 4/p23)
- Position the handlebar so that the brake handles are
horizontal (photo n ° 5/p23)
- Re-block loop of locking the handlebar (photo n°6/p23)