Manual SCA-LE-30-03
V 0.9
10/02 page 6
e-motion Gesellschaft für Antriebstechnik mbH, Zettachring 2, D-70567 Stuttgart, Germany
Tel.: +49-(0)711-7221535, Fax.: +49-(0)711-7221548 E-mail: [email protected]
4.2.3. Auxiliary voltage o Reference (9), - Reference (10)
The auxiliary voltage o reference and - reference provide a voltage of +/- 3,9 V in reference
to analog GND. Analog GND is on half the level of the power supply voltage. Therefore there is no
direct connection to Power GND or GND Signal. These auxiliary voltage outputs are for connection
with an external potentiometer and must not be connected to any other pin or for any other purpose.
Input connection reference voltage generator:
4.2.4. + Motor (1)
4.2.5. - Motor (2)
Outputs for motor connection. When the motor is connected in the right way, it should turn clockwise
at a positive output voltage. Otherwise swap the motor lines to ensure that the motor is running
clockwise at a positive voltage between terminals
5. Description of inputs and outputs of encoder section, terminals (15)- (28)
In brackets () the terminal number
The main function of the encoder section is to convert a digital input signal provided by an incremental
encoder to an analogue output voltage which can be used as a kind of tacho signal. This artificial
tacho signal is fed back to the power stage section as a speed feedback of the motor system.
Therefore the operating mode of the power section is similar to the operation mode “tacho feedback”.
5.1. Inputs
5.1.1. Gnd (27)
This pin is internally connected to pins (25) and (21)
5.1.2. 24 V Opt. In (28)
This input has to be connected to 24 V if a 24V push-pull encoder should be used. For the operation
with 5 V encoders this input must not be connected.