Installation of a suction hose
• Screw a suction hose (polymer hose, at least
” with spiral stiffener) directly or with
a threaded nipple to the suction connection (1” FT) of the pump.
(See fig. 2)
• The applied suction hose should have a suction valve. If it is not possible to use the
suction valve, a non-return valve should be installed in the suction line.
• The suction line must be installed at an incline from the water removal point to
the pump. Avoid installing the suction line above the height of the pump under all
circumstances. Air bubbles in the suction line delay and/or prevent the suction process.
• Suction and pressure lines must be installed in such a way that they do not exert any
mechanical pressure on the pump.
• The suction valve should be sufficiently submerged in water in order to prevent the
pump from running dry once the water level drops.
• An untight suction line prevents sucking in water by sucking in air instead.
• Prevent sucking in foreign objects (sand, etc.). If necessary, install a pre-filter.
Pressure line connection
• The pressure line (at least
”) must be connected directly or via a threaded nipple to
the pressure line connection (1” FT) of the pump.
• You may also use a
” pressure hose with the corresponding screw fittings. The
delivery rate is reduced by the smaller pressure hose.
• During suctioning, open the shut-off elements (spray nozzles, valves, etc.) completely so
that the air trapped in the suction pipe can escape.
Figure 2
Suction line connection
Pressure line connection
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