Because of the Vector Thrust on the Scimitar, the propeller must be precisely balanced to prevent excess
vibration and damage to the vector thrust servo.
Your propeller needs to be balanced before you install it on your airplane. Balancing a propeller prevents motor
and/or airframe damage. Always balance a new propeller before use. The following procedure applies to propellers
of all brands and materials e.g., plastic, wood, carbon fi ber. The instructions below describe sanding or adding
material to a propeller to achieve proper balance. It is important to use a high-precision propeller balancer, like the
DU-BRO Tru Spin Propeller Balancer, in an area with no air movement.
Install the propeller on the balancer shaft. Make sure the propeller turns freely on the balancer shaft. Balance the
propeller using the instructions below.
If a propeller is diffi cult to balance, make sure the propeller’s hole is centered in the hub.
Horizontal Balancing
1. Align the propeller’s blade horizontally along the balancer shaft.
2. If the propeller blade falls out of horizontal alignment, carefully use sandpaper to remove a small amount of
plastic from the entire front of the heavier propeller blade (in the areas marked (
) on the illustrated propeller).
• Use 80-grit sandpaper to remove large amounts of material.
• Use a fi ner sandpaper (150-grit or greater) to remove small amounts of material for a
Remove plastic from the blade until the propeller stays properly aligned in the horizontal position.
3. Use clear tape or paint to add material if you desire to avoid sanding your propeller.
• If tape is used, apply tape across the leading edge of the propeller to the back and front of the
propeller in order to prevent an increase in air resistance. Do not apply tape to the ears (
Vertical Balancing
1. Align the propeller’s blade vertically along the balancer shaft. (This is often called “balancing the hub”.)
2. If the propeller blade falls out of vertical alignment, modify the ears (
) on the center hub to achieve vertical
balance. Turn the prop to vertical and observe to which side of the hub the propeller falls. Remove material
from the heavier side of the hub (from the “ears” projecting from the side of the hub between the blades).
3. After vertical balancing, turn the propeller back to the horizontal position and make sure the propeller keeps its
horizontal balance. Keep turning the propeller between vertical and horizontal to make sure removing material
only improves balance.
Final Balancing
1. After vertical and horizontal balancing, turn the propeller to other angles along the balancer shaft.
2. If the propeller blades fall from an angle, carefully use sandpaper to remove a small amount of plastic from the
front of the heavier propeller blade or the ears on the hub until the propeller is fully balanced.
3. Remove plastic from the blade or ears until the propeller stays properly aligned along the balancer shaft at
any angle.
Always discard a chipped or cracked propeller. A damaged propeller can fail when turning at high speed, causing your airplane to crash. This
can cause property damage and/or injury.
If the propeller is not balanced, the vector thrust servo may be quickly damaged. Horizon Hobby does not warranty this if the servo is used under extreme
vibration or if the servo is used with an unbalanced propeller.
Balancing the Propeller
Installing the Propeller
1. Power off the ESC switch on the side of the fuselage or disconnect the
fl ight battery from the aircraft.
2. Remove the spinner nut (
) from the collet shaft (
3. Install a balanced propeller (
) on the collet shaft using the spinner nut
with the numbers on the propeller
facing the front of the plane
4. Put the shaft of a tool (for example, a screw driver) in the hole in the
side of the spinner to tighten the spinner on the collet shaft.
Remove the propeller in reverse order.
The propeller included with the Scimitar does not require the use of
the included washer. The washer must be installed between the backplate
and the propeller when an alternative balanced propeller has a hub
thinner than 13mm (from front to back).
After installation of the propeller, keep hands away from
the propeller. Always assume the motor is powered on and that the
propeller blades may turn at any time.
For more information, view
John Redman’s propeller
balancing video at