background image

Set throttle stick at lowest 

possible position.

Set throttle stick at lowest 

possible position.

Aileron Trim 
Elevator Trim 

Throttle Trim 

Rudder Trim 

Aileron Trim 
Throttle Trim 

Elevator Trim 

Rudder Trim 

Mode 2

Mode 1



IMPORTANT:  Read manual for full safety and warranty information.

Charge Battery

1.1 Connect power supply to an appropriate power source.
1.2  Insert output plug from power supply into the power input slot of the 

4-port charger.

1.3 Insert up to four (4) flight batteries into the charger.


Only use supplied 6V power supply with charger.

transMitter PreParation

2.1  Please make sure you have fresh/charged batteries in your transmitter. 

If applicable, set your transmitter model to Airplane. JR/Spektrum 
transmitter servo settings should be set to default (normal) servo 
direction. Futaba transmitters (equipped with Spektrum modules) may 
require you to reverse the throttle channel.  

2.2  If you decide to use an E-flite


 LP5DSM or HP6DSM transmitter, please 

position your channel reversal dip switches as shown above.

the following stePs outline the  
Binding ProCess

3.1  Confirm the process of entering the bind mode for your chosen 

transmitter by reviewing the instruction manual included with the 

3.2  Make sure the flight battery is disconnected from the 5-in-1 unit and the 

transmitter is turned off.

3.3  Plug the flight battery into the 5-in-1 unit. After 5 seconds the LED on the 

5-in1 unit will begin flashing.

3.4  After verifying the LED is flashing on the receiver/5-in-1, follow the steps 

that allow your chosen transmitter to enter bind mode.

3.5  If you entered bind mode correctly, you will see a solid LED approximately 

5–10 seconds later on the receiver/5-in-1. You should now be bound to 
the transmitter, and have full control and function.

If you encounter any problems, repeat the binding process again or call the 
Horizon Support Team at 1-877-504-0233


ProPerly initialize airCraft

5.1 Place the helicopter on its side on a stable surface.  
5.2  Insert flight battery into the mSR with the label facing towards the bottom 

of the helicopter. 

ProPerly initialize airCraft (continued)

5.3  Connect the 5-in-1 connector to the flight battery. The connectors are 

oriented for a proper polarity connection when the red dots are on the 
same side (usually towards the top of the helicopter).

 do not MoVe or 

sway the heliCoPter during initialization ProCess.


The only time you should connect the flight battery to the  

5-in-1 unit before powering the transmitter on is when you are binding 
the receiver of the 5-in-1 unit to the transmitter. Please see the 
Transmitter and Receiver Binding section of the instruction manual for 
more information










red dots

Prior to initialization

4.1 Place throttle stick and trim in the lowest possible position.


The throttle stick MUST be set in the lowest possible position, and 

the throtle trim must be set to the middle or a lower-than-middle position 
(the middle position is indicated by a longer-than-usual beep/tone), in 
order for the 5-in-1 unit to arm.

Prior to initialization (continued)

4.2  Turn the transmitter on and place at least 2 feet away from the helicopter.


Each time before you fly, you should ALWAYS turn the transmitter 

on before connecting the flight battery to the 5-in-1 unit. After each flight, 
be sure that you always disconnect the flight battery from the 5-in-1 unit 
before powering the transmitter off.

2–3 feet away




 The following is a list of some of the Spektrum



equipped transmitters and modules that will bind to the receiver/5-in-1 of 
the Blade mSR BNF:  E-flite


 LP5DSM, E-flite HP6DSM, ParkZone



Transmitter, JR


 X9303 2.4, JR 12X 2.4, Spektrum DX5e, Spektrum DX6i, 

Spektrum DX7, Spektrum Modules.  


The Spektrum DX6 (SPM2460) is equipped with DSM (not DSM2) 

technology and is not compatible with the receiver/5-in-1 of the  
Blade mSR BNF.

LP5DSM Transmitter 


 HP6DSM Transmitter


 Keep a record of the existing settings in case you want to go back 

and fly your other aircraft.
