Once lined up for takeoff, apply full up elevator and apply
full power in a smooth fashion. As the model accelerates
and the floats come up on step, relax the elevator slowly.
You will find as you relax the elevator through half travel
the model should break water and begin a gentle climb
out. Re-trim the model for level flight with the floats
installed. You will notice the model will require more down
elevator during inverted flight, and the rolls will not be
quite as axial as they were when flying from land. The
floats cause a pendulum effect on the aircraft during flight,
which is common with all models outfitted with floats. Keep
in mind the model is heavier when outfitted with floats
and has a larger drag coefficient which will require more
power to stay in the air. Landing with floats is as easy as
landing on a runway. Setup on the downwind leg and
reduce power to 1/4 throttle. As you turn base and then
to final, continue this turn in a shallow descent keeping
the model’s nose pointed down. Reduce throttle to idle as
you line up on final approach and maintain a shallow
descent towards the water. As you come to an altitude of
approximately 15 feet, begin to level off.
If the model slows too much, you may need to apply a
small amount of power. As the model comes closer to the
water, begin to feed up elevator in slowly and smoothly,
trying to keep the plane from ballooning, but keeping
the nose at a positive angle to the water. You will find
yourself touching down on the water with half elevator
applied. Once down on the water, hold full up elevator as
the model slows. Use full up elevator during taxi back to
shore. Flight times are reduced by about 25% when flying
from the water. We hope you enjoy the Ultra Stick 25e as
much as we do, both on land and water.
Happy landings.
Flying the Ultra Stick 25e