May 2000
Part No. 001-2008-204
The Johnson Summit QX Repeater Program on
3.5 inch disk, Part No. 023-9998-297, uses an IBM
personal computer to program the EEPROM Memory
in the Main Processor Card (MPC). To lessen the
chance of programming errors and simplify operation,
the program uses yes/no questions or toggles through
the available responses.
The computer is connected directly from the
serial card to the MPC. The interconnect cables used
are shown in Figure 4-30. The DB-9 to 8-pin modular
adapter is connected to the serial port of the computer
and an interconnect cable connects the adapter to the
NOTE: These connections are for the IBM computer
and may differ from an IBM compatible. In which
case, consult the manuals for your computer for serial
card outputs and connections.
This manual introduces the program and illus-
trates how to use the features. This manual is orga-
nized to easily find programming information with the
Table of Contents, Index and Parameter Tables for the
responses required for programming.
Graphic reproductions of the screens are shown
for reference. Adjacent to the screens are tables to
provide the parameters, available responses and a brief
description of the parameter. It is not the intent of this
manual to teach computer operation, but to allow the
user to become familiar with the available screens and
the responses without having to be at the computer.
NOTE: Before starting you should already know
how to start MS-DOS
, format and make backup cop-
ies of disks, copy and delete files, and run programs.
If you are unfamiliar with any of these actions, refer to
the MS-DOS manual for your computer for more
information (see Section 5).
Follow the computer instructions for loading the
disk. The MS-DOS Revision 2.0 or later operating
system is needed to run the programs. The computer
needs to have RS-232C capability, for example, the
Serial Card in slot "COM1" or "COM2".
The programming software is designed to run on
an IBM PC or compatible computer that meet the fol-
lowing minimum requirements.
One 3.5" high density disk drive
640K of memory
MS-DOS version 2.0 or higher
One serial port
Monochrome or color monitor and video card
Although the program uses color to highlight cer-
tain areas on the screen, a monochrome (black and
white) monitor or LCD laptop also provide satisfac-
tory operation. Most video formats such as EGA and
VGA are supported. A serial port is required to con-
nect the repeater to the computer. This port is standard
with most computers.
The cables from the repeater to the computer are
not included. With most computers, the adapter-to-
computer cable is a standard DB-25 M-F cable, PN
023-5800-017, (the male connector plugs into the
adapter). If your computer requires a male connector,
a male-to-male cable is also available, PN 023-5800-
016. The cable from the adapter to the repeater has a
DB-9 to 8-pin connector (see Figure 4-30).
The data programmed into the MPC is stored by
an EEPROM memory. Since this type of device is
nonvolatile, data is stored indefinitely without the
need for a constant power supply. A repeater can be
removed from the site or even stored indefinitely with-