is required. The External PA option switch is required
to control this feature.
In the public address mode, microphone audio is
always routed to the PA system, and the radio can be
programmed so that receive audio is also routed.
When the PA is enabled/disabled, “Ext PA On/Off” is
displayed momentarily. The radio can also be
programmed to display “Ext PA On” continuously.
Scanning monitors the channels in the scan list
for messages the radio is programmed to receive.
When a message is detected, scanning stops and the
message is received. Shortly after the message is
complete, scanning resumes (unless it has been
If the microphone off-hook condition is detected
(Hangup Box Monitor selected by programming),
scanning stops and selective squelch (such as Call
Guard CTCSS or NAC/group ID detect) is disabled on
conventional channels. If the off-hook condition is not
detected, taking the microphone off-hook has no affect
on radio operation. When a call is received in the scan
mode, the alias of the channel on which a call is
received (and any other display parameters that may
be programmed) are displayed until scanning resumes.
The selected channel alias is then displayed if
There are two scan modes available: Priority
(standard) and Radio Wide. The operation of the
priority type is unique to the type of channel selected,
and the operation of the Radio Wide type is the same
regardless of the channel type selected. Only one type
of scanning can be enabled at a time. For example, if
priority scanning is enabled and Radio Wide Scan is
enabled, priority scanning is automatically disabled
and vice versa. Refer to the following for more
Priority scanning (also referred to as standard
scanning) monitors only channels that are the same
type as that currently selected. For example, if a
conventional channel is selected, only conventional
channels are scanned and likewise for SMARTNET/
SmartZone and Project 25 trunked channels.
For more information on scanning functions in
the Conventional mode, refer to Section 5.11, and for
more information on how it functions in the other
modes, refer to Section 6.12. Scanning is turned on
and off by the Scan option switch as follows. If this
switch is not programmed, scanning is not available.
To turn priority scanning on, press the SCAN option
switch. Scanning is enabled when a rotating is
indicated in the right status display as follows and
“SCAN ON” is briefly displayed.
To turn scanning off, press the
option switch
again. On conventional channels with early versions
of firmware, this may also select another list, so
several presses may be required (see Section 5.11).
Scanning is disabled when “SCAN OFF” is briefly
displayed and
is no longer indicated in the status
If the zone or channel is changed while scanning is
selected, scanning continues on the same or a
different scan list (see Section 4.12.1).
NOTE: Each SMARTNET/SmartZone and P25 trunked
channel can be programmed so that scanning is auto-
matically enabled when the channel is selected.
NOTE: Use radio wide scanning only if two different
types of channels need to be scanned at the same time
such as conventional and SMARTNET/SmartZone.
Otherwise, use the more efficient priority scanning
because there is less chance of missed calls.
Radio wide scanning monitors the channels in the
preprogrammed radio wide scan list. This scan list
Scan Enable Indicator