EE33 Humidity / Temperature Sensor for High Humidity and Chemical Applications
by using the optional ARC module the function can be activated using an external signal see
chapter 8.1 “ARC-Module (Option AM1)”.
Please note: before a recalibration is done after an ARC cycle, reconditioning of the sensing element
is recommended.
For best reconditioning, please allow 2 free calibration cycles between 15 %RH and
90 %RH in steps of ~20 %RH and 20 min stabilisation time.
Beside activating and defining the cyclic ARC function EE-PCS allows for further configuration of ARC
Heating time:
Defines the time in which the monolithic measurement cell is intensively heated. A
heating time of at least 20 minutes is recommended if chemical pollution has occurred.
Cool-down time:
The cool-down time is necessary for the sensing element to cool back down to
ambient temperature. The cool-down time should be >3 min. in order to prevent measurement errors.
During the ARC process (heating and cool-down time) the values on the 2 analogue outputs are frozen.
In other words, the measuring values at the analog outputs are kept constant during the ARC cycle.
T [°C]
start automatic recovery ARC
heating time
chem. loads (> 20 min)
cool-down time
min. > 3 min
freezing period of output signals
ambient temperature
t [min]
Please note:
If the defined cool-down time is too short, the measurements may be incorrect.
heating time
chem. loads (> 20 min)
cool-down time
e.g. 2 min
freezing period of output signals
T [°C]
t [min]
humidity output
temperature output
ambient humidity
ambient temperature
RH [%]
All EE33 support the ARC function.