User Manual EE1900 Humidity Module for Climate Chambers
Fig. 5
T [°C (°F)]
160 (320)
cooling time min. 3 min
freezing period of output signals
T [min]
ambient temperature
start automatic
recovery ARC
heating time 20 min
U [ V DC ]
5 - 30
T [min]
U [ V DC ]
5 - 30
T [min]
min. 3 s
ARC T Profile
ARC Status
Heat IN
ARC Chart
During the sensor recovery process, the output is frozen at the last measured value before triggering
the sensor recovery.
The ARC mode is indicated by the closed contact at the optocoupler output (No. 3 „Status“ - Fig. 3)
and by the red LED flashing very quickly. The optocoupler output thus indicates wether the data on
the analogue output is up-to-date (during normal measurement) or frozen (during the sensor recovery
An efficient sensor recovery requires a certain sensor temperature. In case of strong air flow at the
sensing head (for instance more than 6 m/s with the stainless steel grid filter), the required sensor
temperature might not be reached. In such a case, the heating process is automatically interrupted
after 2 minutes.