until pushbutton is released. When released, motor will
stop operating.
Blinds control function is always enabled, though room
is unoccupied.
Lowering Blinds down (IN4 in Option 2 and Option 4)
This input is used to manually control blinds closing or lowering
down, with the herein operating scheme:
- While motor being stopped, by pressing button shortly
(less than 1 second), motor will lower down to the default
- While motor is moving (raising up or lowering down),
motor will stop by pressing button shortly (less than 1
- While motor being stopped, by pressing button long
(more than 1 second), lowering motor will activate while
pushbutton will be pushed. When release the button,
motor will stop operating.
- If pushbutton is long pressed (more than 1 second) while
lowering motor is activate, the motor keep activate until
releasing the pushbutton. When released, motor will stop
- If pushbutton is long pressed (more than 1 second) while
raising motor is activate, raising motor will stop and after
1 second will automatically activate lowering motor until
pushbutton is released. When released, motor will stop
: Blinds control function is always enabled, though room
is unoccupied.
Motion sensor (IN1 in Option 3) and Door contact (IN3 in
Option 3)
Occupancy room state detected by motion sensor is determined
by two sensors:
- Motion Sensor
- Door contact input
Inputs can be on diff erent states:
Possible states
Input state
No motion detection
Open (NO)
Possible states
Input state
Motion detection
Door closed
Closed (NC)
Door open
System detection is described herein:
1) Change room state between Unoccupied into Occupied:
In order to change the room state into occupied state, it must
follow this sequence:
- Open the door
- Close the door
- Motion detection --> Room changes into Occupied state
After closing the door, if motion is detected, controller changes
room state into occupy.
- When room changes into Occupied state, pushbuttons are
enabled in order the user can connect climate.
2) Changes room state between Occupied into Unoccupied:
In order to change room state into unoccupied state, it must
follow this sequence:
- Open the door
- Close the door
- No motion detection --> Room changes into
Unoccupied state after a preset time.
After closing the door, if NO motion is detected, controller
counts the leaving time confi gured on parameter P7 and
when time expires room changes into Unoccupied state
- When room changes into unoccupied state, climate can
switch from one of both possible states depending on the
parameter P6 set: La climatización se apaga (OFF)
• Climate switches off (OFF)
• Climate switches to ECO state, establishing ECO Cool
or Heat set-point depending on mode climate at that
- If room has been changed into unoccupied state and after
that, any motion is detected, system enables again the
device and room will be in Occupied state.
This operating mode can interact with Courtesy lighting
output (OUT1) and Lighting (OUT2). This operating is described
on “Device outputs operating description” section.
Device inputs operation (continuation)
Device outputs operating description
Courtesy lighting (OUT1 in Option 1, Option 2 y Option 3)
This output is controlled by the room occupancy detection
on the basis of Key card input (IN1) or Motion sensor (IN1) and
Door contact (IN3), depending on the following scheme::
1) Occupancy detection by Keycard contact:
- Keycard insertion activates OUT1. After preset time on P8
parameter, the output is automatically disabled.
- Removing keycard, output is automatically enabled. After
preset time on P8 parameter, the output is automatically
2) Occupancy detection by Motion sensor and Door Contact:
- Opening the door activates OUT1. While door is open,
lighting is switch on.
- Closing the door, device starts a preset time on P8 count-
down. After that time, output is automatically disabled.
Lighting (OUT2)
1) Occupancy detection by Key Card contact:
- Keycard insertion activates OUT2
- Removing keycard, output will disable after the time for
leaving room preset on P7 parameter.
2) Occupancy detection by Motion sensor:
- Opening the door activates OUT2 if room is on unoccu-
pied state.
- If closing the door room changes into occupied state,
output will remain activate while room will be on occu-
pied state.
- If closing the door room changes into unoccupied state,
by closing the door it starts the countdown of leaving the
room time preset on P7 parameter, after it output is swit-
ched off .
Zone 2 Valve actuator (OUT4 in Option 1 and Option 3)
This output is used to control a second climate zone. Ambient
zone temperature is measured by the built in temperature sen-
sor or by an external temperature sensor connected to IN4. P29
parameter sets the desirable temperature sensor.
Activating and deactivating of climate, as well as set-point
zone temperature depends on principal zone.
Zone climate control is performed with a 0,5ºC hysteresis
Raising curtain up (OUT3 in Option 2 y Option 4)
This output is used to control blinds opening or raising up,
depending on the operating scheme defi ned on “Input Raising
blinds up” section.
Throughout P26 parameter it can be confi gured the automati-
cally raising blinds up when room changes into Occupied state
Lowering blinds down (OUT4 in Option2 and Option4)
This output is used to control blinds closing or lowering down,
depending on the operating scheme defi ned on “Input Lowe-
ring blinds down” section.
Throughout P25 parameter it can be confi gured the automa-
tically lowering blinds down when room changes into Unoccu-
pied state.
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