MIDI Connections
- Connect the MIDI Out of your MIDI controller with one of the MIDI In ports of XPression.
- You can also use a USB keyboard or an Akai EWI-USB / EWI5000 with any of the USB ports.
The USB keyboard needs to support standard USB MIDI drivers in order to be recognized.
- Set your controller to transmit on MIDI channel 1.
For testing the MIDI communication you can activate the MIDI Monitor. Press the buttons 3+4 on the remote
simultaneously to do so. Pressing briefly onto the data wheel on the right hand or [Escape] will bring you back to
normal playing mode.
In case the Akai EWI-USB is not recognized and the green LED at the EWI-USB does not light up please read
section „XIII Troubleshooting“ of the manual.
General Operation Instructions
On the remote control unit of the XPression you can find four function keys underneath the display as
well as a joystick on the left hand and an incremental wheel on the right hand side.
With the joystick you can navigate through the menus by moving it to the left [
] or right [
]. Moving it
up [
] or down [
] will change values. In some cases this needs to be confirmed by pressing [OK].
The joystick functions as an [OK] (= [ENTER]) and [Escape] - key. Pressing it briefly means [OK].
Pressing it longer (1 second) means [Escape]. This way you can confirm or cancel the current operation.
By pressing it for at least 4 seconds a RESET is done. This will also turn off stuck MIDI notes.
The joystick can also be used to select „external” MIDI program changes. Confirm with [OK].
The incremental wheel selects the presets for the current MIDI channel. In other modes it is used for
changing values.
Pressing it on the main page assigns the current preset to the most recent MIDI program change if this
function is enabled (please read the manual about this function).
Setup of the MIDI - / USB - Controllers
- Move the joystick to the left to [Utility] and press [OK]. You will see „Choose MIDI Controller“. Move
the joystick several times to the right until “Internal Backup – All Settings & Maps” is shown. Press
button 3 or 4 and select your controller with the dial. Press [OK].
All optimized settings for your instrument will be automatically set up now.
In case that you have changed the global settings later you can store your own settings here by backing them up to
one of the user backup slots 1-5.
Done (!):
Now you can select the different sounds by using MIDI program changes or using the incremental data wheel of the
remote control and play them.
Different sound banks can be activated by moving the joystick to the left to „Bank Number“ or by pressing button 1+2.
Please note that preset banks for wind controllers start with “WC” and keyboard banks start with “KB”.
If you happen to start a sound file by selecting certain presets you can stop the playback by pressing [Escape].
You can also listen to demos as described above. [Escape] will take you back to normal playing mode.
For further information please refer to the owner’s manual.
It is absolutely recommended to read the sections „Edit Mode“ and „Global Settings“ al least up until the part
(marked in yellow) where the „Expert-Mode“ is starting.
1) Do not play your MIDI controller during startup! This can cause unpredictable long MIDI delays!
This can only be reset by disconnecting the power inlet for 10-20 seconds.
2) The settings of the EWI-USB will be overwritten during startup. Please save your “normal” settings first.
3) Make sure that the remote cable is always secured on both sides!
Have lots of fun with your new XPression!