NorthStar SLIM Tach
SL85 Instruction Manual
DYNAPAR +1.800.873.8731
The pulse wheel is designed to use one spacer washer for a motor shaft length of 0.400 ±0.010
inch. If the motor shaft is a different length, please refer to page 14 for axial adjustment
3. Place pulse wheel shaft recess over the end of the motor shaft. Rotate the wheel so that the mounting bolt
holes line up with the shaft tapped holes. Press the wheel assembly onto the shaft until it seats. Light
tapping on the steel hub may be required.
Some motor shafts do not have anti-rotation mounting holes. Instead, they have only one center
tapped hole. For these cases, please review the Non-Standard End-of-Shaft Mounting Procedure on
4. Insert and snug mounting bolts into the wheel. If the pulse wheel has not already seated, alternate tightening each bolt
until it is seated. (E01 Pulse Wheel [1.125 inch shaft] units require only one center mounting bolt. After complete
tightening the pulse wheel, tighten the 10-32 anti-rotation set screw.)
5. Tighten each bolt to the proper torque: 15 foot-pounds for 10-24 bolts, and 30 foot-pounds for 3/8-16 bolts.
The pulse wheel should be seated flat against the motor shaft. The wheel should not
appear to wobble if the motor shaft is turned by hand. Excessive wobble (0.020” TIR)
can damage the pulse wheel and sensor modules.
Figure 7: Pulse Wheel Assembly
Electrical Installation
Electrical connections are made to the sensor module through a standard 1/2 inch NPT liquid tight flexible conduit. The
nipple length may be changed to extend the outlet box if desired. Interconnection cable recommendations are as follows:
stranded copper, 22 through 16 gage, braided or foil with drain wire shielding 0.05 µF maximum total mutual or direct
capacitance, outer sheath insulated. Shrink tubing may be placed over any wires without insulation. For lengths over 100
feet, use 18 gage or larger, to a maximum of 1000 feet*. If shielded twisted pair wire is used, do not cross channels. Keep
each pair of complementary channel outputs together in a single twisted pair (e.g., A and A complement).
: Provides CE compliance in applications where cable length is less than 30 meters.
Reversing power and common will not damage the unit. However, applying power to
any of the sensor outputs may cause damage.