5mG, and our Near Zero EMF models range at less than 3mG (NIR heaters range at about
5mG-7mG at the same approximate 2 inches).
EMF Levels from Common Homes Sources
After many years and numerous studies on EMF exposure, no government body including
the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have established permissible
exposure limits (PEL). Currently, there is no consensus on the potential health hazard from
any exposure to EMF. The mainstream scientific evidence suggests that low-power, low-
frequency, electromagnetic radiation associated with household currents like that of the
infrared sauna does not constitute a short or long term health hazard.
The infrared rays emitted by your sauna are reported to offer a wide range of possible
therapeutic benefits based on research completed over the last 40 years from all around
the world. These benefits are presented for reference purposes only and no implication of
infrared saunas creating a cure for or treating any disease is implied nor should it be
inferred. If you have a medical/health condition, are taking prescription drugs, or have
acute joint injuries, please consult with your medical physician before using the sauna.
Persons with surgical implants (metal pins/rods, artificial joints, silicone, or other types of
surgical implants) typically do not experience any adverse effects, but should also consult
their medical physician or surgeon before using the sauna room.