(not banked left or right). Point the model
the wind
with the pilot (
that would be you!)
standing behind the plane. As the assistant
releases the model, be immediately ready to
make corrections to keep the sailplane flying
straight and climbing directly into the wind.
You must be
careful about how steeply
you allow the model to climb. If the climb is too
shallow, you will not get the full height from the
winch or high start. If you hold too much up
elevator and climb too steeply, you risk
“popping off” the high start prematurely and
overstressing the wing's structure, possibly
snapping the wings.
The main purpose of the first few flights is to
learn how the model behaves and to adjust the
trims for level flight. Adjust the elevator trim so
the model flies level. It will require some
experimentation to determine what airspeed
and elevator trim gives the best glide ratio.
Adjust the rudder trim to level the wings. It may
take a few minutes to get the trims adjusted,
but this should be your first priority once at a
comfortable altitude. Continue to fly around,
executing turns and making mental notes (or
having your assistant take notes for you) of
what additional adjustments or C.G. changes
may be required to fine tune the model so it
flies the way you like.
Begin the landing approach by flying downwind
at an altitude of approximately 20 feet [6 meters].
When the sailplane is approximately 50 to 100
feet [15 to 30 meters] past you, gradually make
the “final” 180-degree turn into the wind aligning
the sailplane with the runway or landing area. Do
not dive the sailplane, as it will pick up too much
speed. Instead, allow the sailplane to establish a
gradual descent. Concentrate on keeping it
heading into the wind toward the runway. When
the plane reaches an altitude of about 3 feet [1
meter], gently apply a little “up elevator” to level
the plane, but be careful as too much up elevator
will cause it to stall. While holding a slight
amount of up elevator the sailplane will slow and
descend as it loses flying speed, thus touching-
down on the runway.
Best of luck and happy flying!
22" [64mm]
Servo Cover
Summary of Contents for Bird of Time
Page 20: ...FLIGHT LOG ...