CT650 Manual
GPIO Pins used for module control
Processor Pin
GPIO Number
Cell Reset
Cell Power Control
Cell USB Disconnect
Powering module
The module can be powered by a pulse on the power control pin.
gpioset -m time -s 1 gpiochip0 40=1
gpioset gpiochip0 40=0
After powering up the module, enable the USB connection.
gpioset gpiochip0 38=1
After a few seconds there should be several USB devices registered (depending on module).
Powering module down
It is recommended to power module down before cutting power. This can help the module not to
become corrupted. This can also be done using an AT command to the module.
gpioset -m time -s 3 gpiochip0 38=0 40=1
gpioset gpiochip0 40=0
The module can also be shut down by sending the shutdown command
at#shdn to the module.
After five to ten seconds the module should be powered down.
Testing UART connection
microcom -s 115200 /dev/ttyS4
(OK returned)
(use ctrl-x to exit)
Activating network connection using qmicli
If the module is configured to support a network adapter, a new network interface named wwan0
should be present.
ifconfig -a
(should see wwan0 interface)
Depending on the module, you can use the following commands to start the network connection.
The following is for the NimbeLink NL-SW-LTE-TSVG module.
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