CT650 Manual
Console Port
Login Information
User: root
Password: OneRainCt650
File System
The system contains the following partitions:
mmcblk0p2 – boot partition A
mmcblk0p3 – boot partition B
mmcblk0p5 – key storage – Mounted at /key
mmcblk0p6 – rootfs partition A – Mounted at /
mmcblk0p7 – rootfs partition B
mmcblk0p8 – app partition A – Overlayed at /app, /etc, and /lib in rootfs partition A
mmcblk0p9 – app partition B – Overlayed at /app, /etc, and /lib in rootfs partition B
mmcblk0p10 – data – Mounted at /data
When received the system is configured to use boot partition 1 and rootfs partition 1. Application
executable should be placed in the rootfs partition. Application data should be placed in the data
partition which is mounted at /data.
The system has dual boot and rootfs partitions to allow the swupdate tool to do a dual image
Dual Boot Partitions
NOTE: After boot, the boot count variable located at
needs to be cleared by writing
a value of
0xB0010000. This can be done in the user’s application or from the command line
devmem 0xF804540C 32 0xB0010000
Building from source
Buildroot is used to build the OS and root file system for the CT650. As the CT650 is sold only to
integrators, the modifications done for the CT650 is not public. Please contact your integrator to
get a copy of the open source files used for your certain version of CT650. If you are an integrator
please contact Dyacon to receive an invitation to the github repo.
To configure Buildroot for the CT650, use the following instructions.
cd ~/
git clone https://github.com/ericrjohn/ct650.git
git clone https://github.com/linux4sam/buildroot-external-
cd buildroot-external-microchip/
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