Icon Name Description
Sunset For capturing sunsets or when shooting
towards the light.
Copy For capturing close subjects in normal
light conditions in high detail.
Snow For capturing images outside against very
bright backgrounds.
Black and For capturing black and white images.
3.6.4 Zoom
See “Zoom” on
3.6.5 Menu options
options in scene mode are limited because
everything is automatically set. You can, however, change the
pixel and quality options, see “Pixel” and “Quality”. You can
lso change the scene setting.
To change the scene setting:
1. Press the menu button to display the menu.
2. Use the joystick (left and right) to highlight the
SCENEoption and press the center joystick button to confirm.
3. Use the joystick (up and down) to highlight a scene
settingand press the center joystick button to confirm.
4. Press the menu button to exit the menu.
5. The new scene setting will remain active until you change
3.7 Setup