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Figure 3 - Typical Installation with a Hustler BTV, optional DXE-TB-3P Tilt Base,
DXE-RADP-3 Radial Plate and DXE-SSVC-2P V-Clamps
The orientation of the VFCC, Tilt Base and Radial Plate must be as shown to ensure correct operation of the
tilt base with the VFCC. The braid must not touch the VFCC case. If necessary, loosen the VFCC braid
connection to the feed point to prevent excessive strain on the braid when tilting.
For various reasons, Hustler or other 1/4-wavelength vertical antennas are installed with no radials or with an
inadequate number of radials.
This is not recommended
, but it happens. As a result, the antenna uses the
coax as a radial and by doing so, introduces common-mode current on the braid of the feedline, which can
travel to the operating position resulting in RFI and unwanted signal ingress.
In order to reduce the unwanted current on the feedline shield in these situations, the DX Engineering VFCC
will make the best of a non-optimal installation. With no ground system, attach the terminal of the VFCC
that would normally go to the Radial Plate to the frame of the antenna support bracket or mounting pipe
where the radial wires would normally be attached as indicated in the manual.
Your coaxial cable from your radio connects directly to the SO-239 connector on the VFCC. Do not connect
your coaxial cable through a bulkhead connector on the Radial Plate