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Alternatively, if the RPA-2 is to be located at the receive
antenna, the unit may be powered from DC on the feedline
that is connected to the “
connectors. This requires a user supplied bias-tee or
feedline voltage inserter used at the operating position,
providing the properly filtered and regulated (center-
positive) +13.8 Vdc, 140 mA minimum.
To enable powering the RPA-2 via the coaxial cable,
move the HD5 jumper to the top two pins.
RPA-2 Powered by RPA-2 Power
2.1 mm Connector from Coax
(default) Cable
The ability of the RPA-2
to be powered on
the “
” coaxial cable cannot be extended to the antenna feedline. In other
words, when the RPA-2 is powered on the coax, any active devices used on the “
” side of the preamplifier will require separate power connections.
Installing an Optional Plug-in Module
The RPA-2 has an internal open slot that will accommodate
either the optional
Receiver Guard or
the optional
75 to 50-ohm Impedance
The By-Pass Board will have to be removed to allow
installation of the chosen optional board.
With the RPA-2 opened, use a round screwdriver to gently pry the By-Pass board as shown below.
Do one side at a time and the board will come out. When installing the chosen optional board, align
the pins and press both ends of the board equally until the chosen option board is fully seated.