Setup - Network Setup
FTP Settings
To transfer / save the image to the relevant sites through FTP, then FTP needs to be setup.
General Setting -
FTP function can be enable or disable.
FTP Server Address -
Define FTP Server IP Address. If IP Address form is incorrect, a Message box will be shown to try again.
FTP Upload Path -
Define a path in FTP server to store video. For the path name, English Alphabets, numbers and special characters (
/ ~ !@ $ ^ ( ) _ - { } [ ] ; , ) can be used.
FTP Port -
Define the FTP Server Port. If Port is not appropriate, it is impossible to access to FTP Server.
User ID -
Define User ID to access to the FTP Server. Fill out the correct User ID registered in the FTP Server.
Password -
Define Password to access to the FTP Server. Fill out the correct Password registered in the FTP Server.
Click ‘Apply’ to make above setting effective.
Refer the above screen image for the example.