Setup - Network Setup
Network Settings
Network Type -
Define network IP address type from the Static Mode for the fixed IP or the Dynamic Mode by the dynamic IP
address. If you select the Static Mode, you must fill out IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, DNS Server and all ports.
If you select the Dynamic Mode, the IP address will be allocated automatically by DHCP equipment. If you click the Apply button to
update changes, the system will be re-booted. In this case, you have to reconnect the camera using new IP address.
IP Address -
Define the IP address. The address is consisted of four numbers separated by dots and the range of each number is from 0
to 255.
Subnet Mask -
Define the Subnet Mask. Format is same as the IP address.
Default Gateway -
Default the Gateway IP Address. Format is same as the IP address.
Preferred DNS Server -
Define the DNS server IP address. Format is same as the IP address.
Alternate DNS Server -
Define the Secondary DNS server IP address. Format is same as the IP address.
HTTP Port -
The HTTP port can be set to 80 which default or in between 1025 to 60000.
HTTPS Port -
The HTTPS port can be set to 443 which default or in between1025 to 60000.
RTSP Port -
The RTSP port can be set to 554 which default or in between 1025 to 60000.
Click ‘Apply’ to make above setting effective.
If the network type is dynamic, the IP address is changed in below cases. Therefore, the IP address needs to be searched again,
and the camera needs to be reconnected in these cases.
- When the camera power is on / off.
- After Firmware update, Default set and reboot.