Command "IMD ION": sets the INT_PULSE to be always LOW; this will set the Intensifier in
the ON state, allowing its gain to be adjusted using the IGN command. Pulse control of the
Intensifier gate is not possible in this mode. IPO and IPD settings are ignored.
Intensifier Gate Control Pulse Command "IMD PON" and "IMD SON": Sets the Intensifier in
the pulse mode; toggling the signal INT_PULSE once per frame, with a delay IPD (from the
falling edge of ENF) and low duration IPO.
1/12 sec = 83.3 ms
ON (Low)
gating pulse
IPO parameter range in IMD PON mode: range is from 10us to 10ms, with 10us increments
requiring a three digit hex argument ranging from 000(10us) to FFF (10ms).
IPO parameter range (in IMD SON mode) Intensifier gating pulses will be generated from
(50ns, 100ns, 150ns…204.8
s) depending on IPO parameter (same three digit Hex from 000 to
FFF, but now with a 50ns increment).
IPD (In both IMD PON and IMD SON modes): range is from 50ns to 10
s, with 50ns
increments requiring a two digit hex argument from 00(50ns) to FE(10
s). Note: FF is not
Application software developers are advised to send out the IMD IOF command before exiting
(or disconnecting) the app. program, to protect the Intensifier at times when it isn't being used
to make an image.
Applications may be developed to add "Auto" features, such as AutoBrite (CView
terminology). Also AutoShut (which will quickly shut off the intensifier under overbright
conditions, then attempt to gradually increase IPO to 10
s, 20
s, 30
s pulses) while
monitoring the image intensity level.
IMD PEX (Intensifier mode: External Pulse), which will tristate the camera-internal pulse,
allowing the user to drive the Intensifier gate. IPO and IPD values are ignored. An “auxiliary
connector” is provided which allows the user to feed the pulse VRST_INT from an external
source (see Appendix for details).