Blend 3:
With the blend 3 button you can switch between passive or blend/parallel mode.
* note: the first delivered IM2.1’s didn’t have this button.
Using wet/dry as active gain
This is a hidden feature, ‘the Bob Katz mod’. It's possible to activate the blend
function even when insert 3 is not activated. The wet and dry knobs become gain
knobs and they will be behave like an active gain in between the inserts. Because
the wet control is not passing the insert itself, you can combine the wet/dry gains to
add up to 6dB gain.
Insert 4:
Insert 4 is a regular passive insert.
Insert 5 and 6 (mid/side):
Insert 5 and 6 can be used for Mid/Side processing.
When set to stereo, it will be 100% passive, when set to
MS, it will pass the active mid/side circuit.
Mid Side:
When the
button is engaged, both inserts 5
and 6 will work in MS mode. Left channel is Mid (sum),
Right channel is Side (diff).
When you enable the
button, the width circuit becomes active
and you can change the gain of the side channel and so, making it
more wide or narrow. We chose to use a dedicated width enable
button for A/B purposes. The width gain range is -6.5/+3.5 with 23
steps. This way you have more precise control then with course steps
and a big range you probably won’t need.
Mid / Side mute:
‘mute mid’
‘mute side’
buttons will let you mute mid or side so that you can listen
to just the sum (mid) or the diff (side).
Other MS functions:
When you don’t use inserts 5 and/or 6, you can still make use of the mid/side
functionality. When the ‘stereo/ms’ button is set to MS, it passes through the active
MS circuit. This way you can change the gain of the side channel and you can also
listen to just the mid or side channel by muting mid or side.
Insert 7:
Insert 7 is a regular passive insert.
Insert 8:
With insert 8 you can swap the order of insert 8 from insert 8 to pre insert 1, so it basically
becomes insert 0. When you push the ‘8 pre/post’ button, this is what will happen:
8 pre/post
: inputs > 1>2>3>4>5>6>7>
> outputs
8 pre/post
: inputs >
>1>2>3>4>5>6>7 > outputs
You can choose between the 2 outputs by selecting the corresponding button. It’s also
possible to use both outputs at the same time, but keep in mind that this could cause some
impedance and so level changes.