5-6 ISA I/O Address Map
I/O Address
I/O device
000 - 01F
DMA Controller 1, 8237A-5
020 - 03F
Interrupt Controller 1, 8259A
040 - 05F
System Timer, 8254-2
060 - 06F
8042 Keyboard Controller
070 - 07F
real-time Clock/CMOS and NMI Mask
080 - 09F
DMA Page Register, 74LS612
0A0 - 0BF
Interrupt Controller 2, 8259A
0C0 - 0DF
DMA Controller 2, 8237A-5
0F0 - 0FF
i486 Math Coprocessor
1F0 - 1F8
Fixed Disk Drive Adapter
200 - 207
Game I/O
20C - 20D
21F Reserved
278 - 27F
Parallel Printer Port 2
2B0 - 2DF
Alternate Enhanced Graphic Adapter
GPIB Adapter 0
2E2 - 2E3
Data Acquisition Adapter 0
2F8 - 2FF
Serial Port 2 (RS-232-C)
300 - 31F
Prototype Card
360 - 363
PC Network (Low Address)
364 - 367
368 - 36B
PC Network (High Address)
36C - 36F
378 - 37F
Parallel Printer Port 1
380 - 38F
SDLC, Bisynchronous 2
3B0 - 3BF
Monochrome Display and Printer Adapter