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 The first time you use the soldering iron, it may smoke slightly as the heating 

element dries out. This is normal and should only last for a few minutes. 


- Acidic solder will damage the iron tip.


Connect the plug on the soldering iron lead to the socket on the front of the station 

and tighten the locking ring finger tight.


Place the iron in the holder.


Connect the mains plug and turn on the power using the switch on the front of the 

station. The LCD will illuminate when the power is on.


A self-test is briefly performed on powering on before the display shows the 

previously set temperature.


Before using the soldering iron for the first time, dampen the cleaning sponge and 

place it in the tray on top of the station. Keep it damp during use. 

Adjusting the temperature


Adjust the temperature required by pressing the UP or DOWN buttons.


The lower figure is the required temperature, the upper figure shows the actual tip 









While the iron is heating up to the required temperature “HEAT ON” displays on 

the LCD.


If the difference between the required temperature and that of the iron tip is greater 

than 10° “WAIT” displays on the LCD.


To change from °C to °F press and hold the UP and DOWN buttons when 

powering on. The display shows °C or °F after the temperature figure.


Between use (or during breaks), always put the soldering iron in the holder.


Lower the temperature during breaks as this extends the life of the tip.


When the soldering work is done, adjust the temperature to 270


C or switch off the 

power first, clean the tip and tin with fresh solder to protect it 

from oxidation. 



Never file down the tips or attempt to clean using abrasives.


If the tip is worn, replacement tips are available for this 

station - see our website or catalogue.


Replacing the tip should only be done when the iron is switched off and at room 



The tip can be changed or replaced by unscrewing the knurled nut barrel.

