It is generally not recommended to fly the Junior in winds of 10mph or more. Though the model will
handle these stronger wind conditions, the Junior is best suited to, and most enjoyable in, those lazy
calm afternoon's for which its predecessors where originally designed.
Too much aileron input can result in a less enjoyable flying experience. Due to the high angle of dihedral
in the wings, its is recommended that the ailerons are used only when needed for general flying. The
rudder is much more authorative and controlled.
It is not recommended to fly the model at full throttle constantly. The layout out and design of the Junior
is much more suited to flying at a throttle setting no high that 3/4, as is common with models of this
vintage design.
A high rate setting on the rudder is suggested for improved ground handling. As the Junior has a fixed
tail skid, you'll want as much rudder movement on the ground as possible.
Due to the low demands on the power system to keep the Junior flying comfortably, long flight times can
be expected off of a single 3S battery. Take 4 or 5 Nanotech 1300mah lipo’s from Hobbyking and you’ll
be able to fly all afternoon without the need to charge.
A small optional 25g weight has been added to the box. The Junior flies very much like the Vintage
model it was inspired by without this weight, but if you wish to bring the CG forward a little, we suggest
using this weight. To install, simply remove the cowl and glue the weight firmly inplace with a hot glue
gun or other suitable glue.
Junior Flying tips
Thank you again for purchasing this Retro series Junior from Duralfy. We hope you have many happy, lazy
summer afternoon's flying it. Don't forget, spare parts are available for this model, please see oppersite for