Flying the Junior
The Junior is very true to its vintage heritage in the air. She is easy to fly, doing so very gracefully, particularly
in calm winds, at reduced speeds and with the smallest of stick inputs. Due to the high level of dihedral in the
wing, the Junior is more suited to the lower throttle ranges and should require only minimal aileron input
throughout the flight. For the best flying experience, use the rudder and elevator predominantly to control the
model in the air and fly at 2/3rds throttle or below. The Junior is every bit the free flight model in design, and
as such, will almost fly by itself in the right conditions. In addition to this, with its very low current draw and
need for only low throttle inputs, you can expect flight times in excess of 20 minutes with a fully charged
NanoTech 1300mah 3S lipo (or equivalent).
Take off requires little more than three quarters throttle. With this in mind, care should be taken to increase
throttle slowly during taking off, letting the model climb out with minimal up elevator input. The high lift
configuration of the model will have the Junior airborne in a very short distance. Be ready to correct any
rolling/yawing after take off with rudder first, then aileron where necessary. Alternatively, you may hand
launch the model. Simply grip the fuselage at the C/G position, increase the throttle to just above 3/4’s, and
launch the model level into wind with a firm toss, holding in a small amount of up elevator as you do. Trim
the model as required, then enjoy the model at its best, low and slow with plenty of wide yawing turns.
If you wish to push the Junior, it will perform basic aerobatic maneuvers, loops and stall turns all being
possible with only a slight increase in throttle and stick movements. For landings simply line the model up
into wind and with a very low throttle setting, the Junior will transcend into a perfect controlled decent, still
being completely controllable should you need to adjust its course. Just before touch down, reduce the
throttle further whilst flaring the model with an increased amount of up elevator input just before the wheels
touch down. With the fixed tail skid, ground control/taxing is possible, but you'll be flying quicker if you walk
out and collect the model from the landing strip!
Happy flying and thank you for choosing Durafly.