SGF 104 Oxygen Sensor
The SGF104 has been introduced by Duomo at the
request of architects and consultants to provide a more
architecturally discrete enclosure without compromi-
sing the sensitivity of detection. Other sensors within
the SGF100 range sense Natural Gas, Carbon Monoxide,
Freon, Hydrogen Sulphide, Hydrogen and LPG.
The SGF104 is used to monitor levels of oxygen in
locations such as:
Research & Teaching Laboratories,
Food & Manufacturing,
Electronics assembly clean rooms.
Where a risk, for example, of Nitrogen (or any inhert
gas) leaking may reduce oxygen content within an
enclosed environment.
Installation and user guide
Firmware Version 1.0
• Oxygen sensor
• 4-20mA output
• Senses depletion or Excess O
• Compatible with Duomo controllers*
• Architecturally discrete Gas sensor
• Ceiling or wall mounted
• Status indication lights
• Conforms to EN50104 and EN50270
• 12 to 24V DC supply
• Relay output 1A @ 30V DC
• IP64 Protective rating
The SGF104 senses either a reduction or an increase in
levels of of oxygen. It provides a signal proportional to
the levels of oxygen to either a Duomo central control
from the GS or BX range or directly to Building Mana-
gement Systems.
The self-calibration facility allows the probe to adapt
in difficult environments and variable temperatures
helping to avoid false alarms.
By connecting a datalogging and diagnostic tool
(Duomo TS1007) to the sensor It is possible to read
back sensor history and other individual sensor specific
information, such as:
• Sensor serial number,
• Date of manufacture,
• Number of power ups,
• Number of alarms,
• Number of days of anticipated
sensor life remaining
The SGF104 Oxygen Depletion sensor has a range of
0-25% Oxygen. The system is normally set to give a
first stage warning alarm at 19.0% Oxygen, and then a
second stage full alarm at 17.0%. This enables action to
be taken before an evacuation is required and evacua-
tion before a dangerous situation arises. Excess Oxyen
levels can be monitored and an alarm relay activated
at 22.5 or 23.5%.
Before connecting the unit careful reading of instruction booklet is recommended,
and it is kept in a safe place for future reference. Furthermore, the correct electrical
connections according to the enclosed drawings, complying with instructions.