Multi Mode:- In case user have more then one Duluck- Alexa enabled-Devices, then user can make two or all the devices connected to
each other by making a particular device as MASTER and rest as slaves.
(Please note that in multi mode, user will have to give voice command to MASTER speaker only and in reply he can have answers on all
the connected speakers. Slave speakers will not take voice commands)
To know the procedure to use multi room mode, Tap on “How to switch between solo and multi mode?”. After this follow the instructions.
In Amazon prime music APP, user can play the songs on his Duluck- Alexa enabled-Devices by taping the streaming icon in Amazon
prime music APP.
Basic settings in Amazon Alexa APP
Important:- Download Amazon Alexa APP from Apple/Google App store
Make/Signup your account and memorize your user Id and Password of Amazon Alexa account.
Update your location for more accurate answers related to your country/place/location
www.duluckos.com, Customer care:- +918083666333, Email:- [email protected]